Case Studies

A chiropractor in Houston, TX needed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services to replace their PPC ad spend.

The Challenges

This client was just starting out in a niche market. There was fierce competition from the bigger brands. The client did not have much room for the content 90% of the marketing budget was going into the PPC and Facebook ads Organic traffic was less than 20 sessions per day on average.

Our Strategy

We did a complete audit and a competitor analysis. Based on the data we created a detailed plan to follow. All the technical issues were resolved in the first phase. We started creating content around the specific keywords. We focused more on long-tail keywords rather than more generic keywords. This approach helped us compete with the bigger competitors. We added regular, high-quality backlinks for the site AMP – assisted their development team in creating accelerated mobile pages.

The Results

The organic traffic increased by 93% in 9 months. The revenue increased by 69%. Search engine rankings improved every month compared to bigger.

A client in Phoenix, AZ needed SEO services to get more traffic and leads.

The Challenges

This client did not have complete control of the site when they signed up with us. Their site structure was not SEO-friendly at all. Most of their content was not optimized for any particular keyword. Their search visibility was almost non-existent. They had multiple practice areas but the site was unstructured. They had been burnt by another company.

Our Strategy

We did an in-depth audit of the site. Created a detailed plan to follow and got it approved by the client. In the first phase, we resolved all the structural issues of the site. We also resolved the technical issues to maximize the search visibility. We fixed the existing content to include the demanded keywords by the client. We created fresh, unique, and fully keyword-optimized content to gain maximum visibility. High-quality backlinks were added periodically to strengthen the overall SEO game AMP – Accelerated Mobile Pages were created and implemented for the better mobile experience.

The Results

Their website was structured for the best results. The site gained 193% organic traffic within the first 7 months. The bounce rate dropped from 96% to 68%. The site was ranked on the 1st page of Google for 21 competitive keywords. The site’s mobile load speed was improved significantly.

A clinic in NYC needed Digital Marketing Services to increase Sales.

The Challenges

The client had been burned by another agency. The previous agency spent $10K on Facebook ads without accurate results. We did not have any landing pages or offers to work with. The pixel data was all messed up as the agency was using its own pixel instead of the client’s pixel. We had 45 days to prove ourselves – the client was cautious after having burned in the past.

Our Strategy

Complete pixel installation – we couldn’t afford to lose data. We worked with the client to come up with a Freemium Model. We identified 2 products to test for the freemium model. Created 4 different landing pages for the Freemium strategy. Email marketing strategy for follow up. Retargeting funnel strategy. Audience strategy was based on competitors, interests, job titles, and lookalikes.

The Results

The results skyrocketed in the very first month. Free plus shipping cost per result was as low as $5.40 ROAS even for freemium products was positive because of the shipping charges 900+ purchases recorded after the first month. Cost per purchase for core products was below $8 ROAS for core products jumped to 10.64% just from Facebook ads. Email marketing conversion from a free product to a core product was 37% AOV was increased using bundle offers.

Our Chiropractor client in Boston, MA needed Facebook & Email Marketing services to get more clients.

The Challenges for Chiropractor Marketing

This chiropractor was looking for customers. He didn’t have a pipeline to generate leads to keep patients coming in and his revenue was showing it. This client needed customers and did not have a lifetime budget or time to test different strategies.

The Strategy

With a clear path in mind, it becomes easy to focus on producing the results. The strategy for this client was straightforward: no complex funnels, no cross-targeting, no display campaigns, nothing big! We focused on Facebook ads and email follow-up which created a simple funnel that would convert visitors into leads and leads into customers.

Here’s a look at our process:

An initial audit and discovery. Top of funnel campaign launch using lead generation. Used a lead magnet to entice visitors to become leads. Five-part email sequence to nurture and close leads. Follow up emails were paired with Facebook retargeting ads. Using dynamic email subject lines, we quickly optimized for the best performers. Optimized the sequences for best variations in the copy.

The Results

Working under pressure sometimes gets the best out of you. This is exactly what happened in this case. Our account manager and the team had put in extra time with this client. This chiropractor received 130+ leads within the first 2 weeks using Facebook ads alone. The cost per lead was below $3 and the client was able to convert 47% of the leads into paying customers. The satisfaction from the client resulted in an agreement extension of 6+ months. Optimized the sequences for best variations in the copy.

A client in San Jose, CA needed help with Email Marketing to grow leads, see below how we did it.

The Email Marketing Challenges

The email list we had for this client was at least 8 months old. The list was unengaged and the client had not sent an email to the list in six months. The client did not have any valuable content that could have been used to nurture the leads. The open rate for the past emails averaged less than one percent.

Our Strategy

We had 12k emails on this list for our legal marketing client that wasn’t producing any results. The open rate was less than 1% and the click-through rate was close to zero. We quickly identified that the email list wasn’t responsive and needed to be cleaned before creating a full email campaign. But at the same time, we didn’t want to throw out emails from the list based on the previous data and wanted to run a few tests. With this purpose in mind, we created a new lead magnet (how to get more reviews on Google and Avvo), which was then connected to a webinar and a done-for-you service to get more reviews. In the coming months, we continued this email sequence for new people who were added to the list and created other valuable content for people who were engaged previously.

The Results

Before sending this out, we prepared the audience for a BIG surprise and sent out an email with a hint about the surprise and free content – offering value in advance. The open rate on that single email jumped to 17% and we received replies from people asking for more info. After 24 hours, we launched a 5-part email sequence based on the lead magnet we had created and we bagged 1,339 leads – people who downloaded the guide on how to get more reviews. Right after that, we launched a webinar email sequence and got over 150 people signed up for the webinar. And with the webinar follow-up sequence, we were able to sell the done-for-you service to 16 lawyers. Boom! Based on the response, we added 23 more emails to the top of the funnel and started sending emails every day to unengaged users. At the end of the 2nd month, we were able to generate 3,400 more leads (people who downloaded the guide) and sold done-for-you service to 21 more lawyers. After 2 months, we cleaned the list by removing emails who had not opened any of our emails.? After 6 months of working with this client, our average open rate is 23% and CTR 10.4% (some of the emails don’t have a CTA, just the valuable info).